My daily meals for weight loss while managing PCOS and following a keto diet led to an 11kg (25 lbs) drop. Check out what I eat in a day!

My weight loss journey has been wild! Who knew slimming down meant needing a whole new wardrobe? But the love I got from my glow up vid? 💖 Unbelievable! So stoked to share my keto day of eating with ya. Keepin’ it real with my tofu scramble and seasoned greens. Oh, and don’t forget the avo 🥑 Cheers to the health journey and new threads coming soon!

🍳 Breakfast: Supporting My Keto Lifestyle

Today is a cozy and productive day as I plan my upcoming YouTube videos. But before I tackle my tasks, I’m taking you through my day of eating, starting with my morning health shot. Supporting my keto lifestyle, I ensure I take the aari immune support tonic and low-carb, sugar-free electrolytes to replenish lost minerals and vitamins. The positive response to my health journey has motivated me to share more about health, wellness, and mindset.

Tri-fer Scramble Recipe

For my breakfast, I’m sharing the recipe for my tri-fer scramble. It includes tofu, broccolini, kale, and seasoning that gives the dish a tasty kick! I also include avocado and Dijon mustard to complete my low-carb, high-fat meal.

Ingredients Instructions
Tofu Crumble and fry
Broccolini, Kale Add in towards the end
Seasoning Chicken stock powder, Coriander seeds, Cumin, Curry powder, Dijon mustard
Avocado Serve on the side

Did you know? The net gram of carbs for this meal is around 5g, perfect for maintaining ketosis.

🥒 Snack Time: Cucumber and Guacamole Plate
When I need a little extra something, I love preparing a cucumber and guacamole plate. This high-fat, satiating snack holds me over until my next meal.

🥗 Lunch: Light and Simple

For lunch, I’m preparing a quick bowl of seasoned greens using pack choi, and adding paprika and garlic powder for flavor. It’s a simple, yet satisfying, low-carb meal that’s perfect for days when a light lunch is all I need.

  • Lazy Lunch Recipe

    • Pack Choi
    • Garlic Powder, Beef-style Stock Powder
    • Fry in extra virgin olive oil
    • Add seasoning to taste

    Tip: Dark leafy greens like pack choi are essential for a keto diet, providing vital nutrients and making you feel great.

🍆 Dinner: Grilled Eggplant and Cabbage
My go-to for dinner is a simple grilled eggplant with cabbage. This low-carb, high-fat meal keeps things light and healthy. It’s a perfect way to end the day on a nourishing note.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’d love to share more of these meal plans weekly, so stay tuned for more!

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