Title: Netflix Review of “You Are What You Eat”

The Netflix “You Are What You Eat” docuseries is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get. The series delves into the Stanford twin study, revealing the surprising impacts of diet. It’s a wild ride that exposes the truths about animal agriculture and the potential for change. 🌱🍔 #EyeOpening #MindBlown


Unless you’ve been living under a vegan rock, you’ve probably heard about the Stanford twin study where 21 sets of twins were put on two different diets to figure out which one is healthier. What you may not know is that there’s a new docky series about the study. Today, we’re going to talk about what I liked and the mistakes I think they made.

The Documentary Summary 📺

The documentary follows four sets of twins from the study – four men and four women. In the first episode, we are introduced to the twins and see how they react when they find out which diet group they have been placed in. Half the twins were put onto a healthy omnivore diet, while the other half were placed onto a healthy plant-based diet. The series also explores the lifestyle factors that made it difficult for some of the twins to go vegan.

🌱 Key Takeaways

Comprehensive Exploration
Detailed & Engaging
Insightful Findings

The Propaganda Wave – Veganism and Animal Welfare 🐓

Episode two delves deep into the propaganda surrounding veganism, focusing less on the twins and more about the harms of animal agriculture. It addresses deforestation, environmental racism, food deserts, veganism in the black community, urban farming, and fish farming, shedding light on the broader picture of animal farming and its impact on the environment and society.

Farming Evolution and Study Results 🌍

The last episode focuses on the possibility of transitioning away from using animals for food, shedding light on the benefits of plant-based diets. It revealed that the vegans in the study showed positive health results, proving the efficacy of plant-based diets in improving health markers.

🥗 Conclusion

Positive Health Outcomes
Environmental Impact Awareness
Transition to Plant-Based Diets

Engaging and Insightful 📚

Overall, I liked the series because of how comprehensive and captivating it was. It addressed the main arguments against veganism in a unique and non-confrontational way, shedding light on the cultural connections to food choices. However, there were a few mistakes that I think could have been avoided.

Mistakes and Missed Opportunities ❌

The series made some mistakes, such as replicating certain scenes from other documentaries and not delving deeper into the moral implications of animal agriculture. It also failed to match protein grams for the vegan and omnivore diets, leading to misconceptions about muscle build in a plant-based diet.

🌱 Key Learnings

  • Addressing Mistakes
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Missed Opportunities

Final Thoughts and Recommendations 🌟

While "You Are What You Eat" is an insightful and engaging series, it falls short in some areas, particularly in its portrayal of the ethics of animal consumption. All in all, it spreads awareness about the impact of food choices and is definitely worth watching.


  1. Does the series address the moral implications of animal agriculture?
  2. What were the study results for the vegans in terms of health outcomes?
  3. Do the twins in the documentary switch to a fully vegan diet after the study?

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